Something New

After toying around with various ideas for my blog, I’ve discovered its purpose! I’ve been trying a lot of new things lately, so Zivling is now my place to document my adventures. I am attempting to experience something new each week and share my stories with you, my oh-so-devoted readers. When the year has passed, I’ll have tried fifty-two new ideas, recipes, activities, or anything else that may come to mind. And so, let us set sail on this wonderful journey!

While the following items are not technically part of the fifty-two new experiences I’ll record, I think they bear mention.

  • Attending my first concert: My friends and I all had our first concert experience this summer at Taylor Swift’s Speak Now tour. We made concert t-shirts and everything.
  • Beading: I learned to bead! So far I’ve made two necklaces, two rings, two bracelets, and a beaded Shakespearean actor (or perhaps the Bard himself.) Pictures  to come.
  • Cartooning: While I’ve always loved drawing, cartooning wasn’t really on my radar until I actually decided to try my hand at it. Cartooning is surprisingly freeing in its simplicity. When I work on large projects such as paintings, I’m afraid that one mistake will negate hours of painstakingly meticulous work. In cartooning, however, I found I wasn’t afraid to start over if I didn’t like the way things were turning out.
  • Making homemade bubbles: While compiling a care package for a friend at camp, my friend and I made homemade bubbles out of water, dishwashing detergent, and light corn syrup, adapted from this recipe.
  • Swing and Tango: This past Monday I took a swing class and a tango class, a deviation from my regular ballet. Swing was fun and loose, but I preferred the power and drama of tango. So much, in fact, that I took another class on Friday and have been listening to tango music for the past week.


This is a rough draft of a design for a t-shirt. I started out by drawing the piranha in pencil and then going over the drawing with ink. After scanning, I quickly filled the ink lines in Photoshop and did minimal cleaning. Since I haven’t fully cleaned up the design, I am not quite ready to print it onto a t-shirt. Stay tuned to see how the process comes along!