The End

Though technically last week marked the end of my year-long project to find something new in every week, I felt that I needed one last post for closure. It felt wrong to lump the end of the year in with the last week’s activities, so today I will bid goodbye to “Something New 52.”

It felt strange knowing that I wouldn’t have to write about my new experiences this week. I noticed myself making mental notes of new things I had done, only to remember that I wouldn’t need to write about the double chocolate espresso cookies I made, or the Jazz/ Funk class that I took, or getting caught in a thunderstorm while on an extended bike ride.

Instead, today I look back on all the things I have done, things I wish I had done, and lessons learned. In the course of the year, I learned to program a robot, attended two Amnesty International benefits, and saw performances by Boston Ballet and Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. I ate new foods in new places, went vegan for a week, and introduced my friends to new fruits. I went on nighttime supermarket runs and dropped ice cream off at an unsuspecting friend’s doorstep (creambombing). I got my license, and watched my car battery die. I read new books and saw new movies. I applied to college, made my choice, attended orientation, and now have a roommate. I did pointe in a barren field in November. I discovered that if I had the patience to upload pictures, I would become a food blogger.

I didn’t donate blood, nor did I learn to play guitar (I know approximately six chords on a good day). I made plenty of bad jokes and a few good ones along the way. Am I a better writer? Perhaps, but I don’t really see a difference. More expressive? Not really. Did I succeed in my goal? Yes. Aside from one time I missed posting by a few hours, I’ve posted every Monday since August 1st of last year, when I began this project. I’m marginally more adventurous than I was then, and I’ve grown with this year’s worth of good and bad decisions. And to you dear reader, thank you for sharing this journey with me. I am so grateful to everyone who has read my blog in the past year. Hopefully you’ve gotten something out of it; I know I have. And the best part? For the past year, I have always had an answer to people who ask me “What’s new?”.

Much Love,


Note: I will be taking a one-week break from blogging, so there will be no new post next Monday, August 6th, 2012. When I return, I will start blogging in a new (undetermined) format. I am currently looking for a new year-long blogging project to undertake, so please leave suggestions in the comment section!

3 thoughts on “The End

  1. Hi Ziv!

    As you know, I’ve enjoyed your blog postings very much and looked forward to them every week. And I tried to comment as often as I could. As for this coming year, given that you’ll be a newly-minted Freshman, you could always go for a blog of “Freshman Firsts” or something of that ilk. Or “Mass Musings” about what’s it’s like to be a new student at UMass. Whatever choice you make, I’m sure it will be an interesting and well-written blog, as you’ve demonstrated week after week this past year!!

    See you around the neighborhood,


  2. Dear Ziv,

    I became an avid reader of your weekly blogs – otherwise a huge fan. Not surprising at all, I’ve enjoyed your postings week after week. Some of them touched me very much to the point of tears in the corner of my eyes. I was able to read in between the lines and beyond. At times even more as I have the advantage of knowing you a little better than anyone else. 52 weeks have gone by rather quickly and I will miss the “Zivling” email notification and the wonderful paragraphs that follow. There is no reason to stop it here and leave a void behind. Keep documenting your life this way – after all you enjoy writing and sharing your thoughts.
    You are to embark on a new academic adventure. Your life in the arena of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology will all focus on “Chemical Reactions”. School will present you with lots of subjects to write about and share with the layman you leave behind. Regardless of being inside the classroom or outside, you’ll have to live, breath, study and sing “Chemical Reactions”. You better get used to that and soon:-)…Naturally this would be my suggestion to replace “Something New 52”. While I say farewell/goodbye to the previous 52 and thank you for every one of them, I look forward to a fresh(man) start.

    Love you,


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