16. Artsy Photo Shoot

If a friend asks you whether you would like to venture into the woods to do an artsy photo shoot, the answer is always yes. This Saturday, I agreed to become a model for my friend’s photography project. I spent the better part of two hours climbing over rocks and tree limbs… in pointe shoes. Wearing ballet clothes and little else, I posed on boulders, in a field, and atop a dying tree. The uneven surfaces coupled with the gusty wind made balancing quite tricky, however I’m certain that the billowing movement of my skirt will make for some intriguing shots. Despite its being a windy November day, surprisingly I was not that cold. Perhaps it was the early afternoon sunlight, or the sheer thrill of frolicking in the fallen leaves. I am lucky enough to be immortalized in film, surrounded by the foliage and shadows of the woods. Amidst the dying leaves, heart pounding, I felt alive.

Since my friend uses a film camera, I will not have the pictures until she develops them. For now, my only memento of this adventure is the grass stains on my pointe shoes.

Firsts This Week:

  • Became a model for a few hours while dancing in the woods. I truly feel as if I’ve crossed something off of my bucket list.

2 thoughts on “16. Artsy Photo Shoot

  1. Pingback: 17. Modern Times | Zivling

  2. Pingback: 20. Artsy Photo Shoot Continued, Plus Toothaches | Zivling

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